Report Designer


There are many bands in Report Designer, each with its own unique capabilities. All bands can be categorized into one of two types:

  • Standard Bands
  • Cross Bands

Due to different version of component using, the image and user guide for Report Designer might have slightly different from the component using in Xin 365.

Standard Bands

Standard bands are rendered from top to bottom. They are typically placed directly on a page or can be placed on a panel. Standard bands are the fundamental elements of any report. Please refer to the list below to see all the standard bands.

Icon Band Name Description
Report Title Report Title This band is printed in the beginning of a report
Report Summary Report Summary This band is printed in the end of a report
Page Header Page Header This band is printed on the top of each page
Page Footer Page Footer This band is printed on the bottom of each page
Group Header Group Header This band is printed in the beginning of a group
Group Footer Group Footer This band is printed in the end of a group
Header Header This band is printed before data
Footer Footer This band is printed after data
Column Header Column Header This band is printed before a column is output
Column Footer Column Footer This band is printed after a column is output
Data Data This band is printed as many times as there are rows in the data source
Hierarchical Data Hierarchical Data This band is printed as many times as there are rows in the data source. Data items are output as a tree
Child Child This band is printed only once, after the band beneath which it is placed
Empty Data Empty Data Fills the free space at the bottom of a page
Overlay Overlay This band is printed on the background of a page. It does not have effect on other bands.

To enhance the clarity and improve the understanding of report structures, each type of band is assigned a specific color in the report template.

Report Designer Bands

Cross Bands

Cross bands are rendered from left to right. They are usually placed on standard bands. There is one special category of band called the Child band, which, although it is a standard band, is commonly used to extend a Data band.

Cross-bands must be placed on a standard band, and thus cannot be directly placed on a page or a container. They are used to enable the rendering of complex cross-reports. Cross bands occupy the full height of their parent component, so it is not recommended to place them directly on the page. If the band does not fit on one page, it is not wrapped, but a new page segment is added.

Icon Band Name Description
Cross-Group Header Cross-Group Header This band is printed in the beginning of a group
Cross-Group Footer Cross-Group Footer This band is printed in the end of a group
Cross-Header Cross-Header This band is printed before data
Cross-Footer Cross-Footer This band is printed after data
Cross-Data Cross-Data This band is printed as many times as there are rows in the data source

Unlike simple bands, the cross-bands header is displayed at the bottom of a band.

Report Designer Cross Bands

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