Versioning control allows you to track and manage different versions (or draft) of a Sales Order, so you know which is the current iteration of the file. If you prefer without version control, you may always keep your Sales Order as version 1, and modify the Sales Order content as needed. But it is always a good practice to keep a versioning control especially after sending out the Sales Order to the recipient.
1. On the left menu, choose Sales > Sales Order. On the Sales Order listing, choose the Clone button of your Sales Order.
2. On the popup option, choose Clone to next version.
3. The Sales Order will be cloned as a new document with the same Reference Code, but new Version Number.
4. The Version Number is auto incremental by 1 each time you clone the Sales Order document to a new version. You can still modify the version number freely in Sales Order Sales Order document.
5. To show the version number on the Sales Order listing, click on the purple setting icon on the top right of the Sales Order listing.
6. The older version of the Sales Order will be deactivated.
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